July, 2022
Great turnout at STOP Cuerdale Garden Village public meeting
with local MP and Planning Consultant
Over 200 concerned members of the community attended Wilson’s Contractors on Friday night (8th July). A further 50 watched it on a live stream and over 60 have viewed the recording in the few days since!
Jackie Copley, Planning Consultant from CPRE (The Countryside Charity) outlined key points for objection that members of the public could submit, with clear guidance to make them personal.
Submitting this subjective type of objection would add additional weight to the 100 “easy sign” letters already collected to date, which protest on more objective grounds eg. policy contravention.
We need both types of objection, in high volumes, to really make the Planning Committee aware of local feeling and objection to this decimation of 400 acres of Green Belt countryside (to give a sense of scale, 400 acres is around 200 full size football pitches and Cuerdale Garden Village would be around the size of Buckshaw Village – another misnomer!)
Meanwhile, Nigel Evans (MP, Ribble Valley) took a break from the recent shenanigans of Westminster to voice his impassioned support against this outrageous planning application.
Suffice to say, he is fully onboard and raised some excellent points – being particularly enthusiastic around the 98% Opposition result in the referendum, the need for rejection due to the national significance of the application, plus how he can help in terms of the Planning process. An application of this magnitude and significance is expected, ultimately, to be taken out of the hands of South Ribble Planning Committee and then handled by the Secretary of State.
Attendees were well engaged, with a lengthy and useful Question & Answer session providing insight, guidance and left everyone feeling revved up to send in their objections. We also learnt we have some useful experts in the community who can work with Jackie Copley on a really strong objection that will be submitted by CPRE.
As impactful as Nigel and Jackie were, they’d no doubt acknowledge the tear jerking statements from the tenant farmers whose livelihoods and homes are at risk from these plans, were the most powerful elements of the night – and clearly outlined why EVERYONE needs to send in an objection BY THE 19TH JULY to ref 07/2022/00451/OUT
Thanks to the STOP Cuerdale Garden Village Action Group and Samlesbury and Cuerdale Parish Council for their efforts in making the meeting happen, Wilson’s Contractors for kindly hosting, our guests Jackie Copley and Nigel Evans – and everyone who attended/watched.
July, 2022
This is why tractors processed along a main route in and out of Preston during morning rush hour.
Convoys of tractors took to the roads around Samlesbury during Wednesday morning’s rush hour in protest at a proposed garden village development.
July, 2022
The next meeting regarding the Story Homes Cuerdale Garden Village Development will be held on Friday 8th July, 7pm at Wilson's, Church House Farm, Potters Lane. Updates on activities and what you can/must do. All welcome - please spread the word to friends and neighbours.
April, 2022
We were in the Lancashire Evening Post this week following the referendum held on 7th April. The overwhelming majority voted against the development making it extremely clear that the community is very unhappy with the proposals. Click here to view the article.
April, 2022
98% of responses in a referendum conducted in line with local and national government policy and Local Government Act 1972 and run by South Ribble Borough Council were opposed to development of this Cuerdale Garden Village. The turnout (50%) was double the average turnout for local and national elections, despite 10 day’s notice, school holiday period and no proxy or postal voting.