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Green Belts are a buffer between towns, and between town and countryside.
The Green Belt designation is a planning tool and the aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; however, there is not necessarily a right of access there. There are 14 Green Belts in England and 1 in Wales. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), most recently updated July 2021, contains specific reference to protecting Green Belt land in England.
(see Chapter 13, paras 137-151)
Green Belts are coming under increasing threat to meet the need for the supply of land for housing.
It is important to get involved at an early stage when possible changes to Green Belt are proposed:
Respond to any local plan review which proposes a change to Green Belt
Get involved in your neighbourhood planning forum
Check and respond to planning applications
Green Belts are designated for five purposes:
Prevent urban sprawl
Prevent the joining together of major towns and cities
Protect the setting of historic towns
Assist in protecting the countryside from encroachment
Encourage urban regeneration
Green Belts help urban populations access the countryside by maintaining
attractive landscapes for outdoor recreation near where people live
Click here to view a Fact Sheet with more information.
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